Coming Soon

Emotion Code

Emotion Code was developed in the United States by a Chiropractic Physician, Dr. Bradley Nelson. It's an energy healing technique that uses muscle testing to identify and then release trapped emotions from the body.

Trapped emotions can cause all kinds of harm whether leading to anxiety, depression, or even chronic pain and illness. By releasing these energies from the body, it can promote better mental health and possibly relieve symptoms that have manifested in the physical body.

Emotion code work is also a non-invasive, holistic way of allowing the body to heal itself, leading to an increased sense of overall well-being in mind, body, and spirit.

Does self-reflection get you to where you want to be? Do you have an elusive emotion you can’t quite put a finger on, but you feel is lurking below your surface and blocking your peaceful energy? And emotion code reading can help you break through that door/wall that is holding you back. 

Does your emotional baggage get in the way of you being your best self, open to the opportunities of the universe? 

Coming Soon

Distance Reiki

Experience the healing power of Distance reiki from the comfort of your own space. Through this gentle and effective energy healing technique, you can receive balancing and rejuvenating benefits no matter where you are located.